OMG THIS IS THE BEST TERM YET! Mdm Chin already absent herself for a week!! Hip hip hurray!! PE combined class with 2E2 & 2T1. New system for PE. We were allowed to chose what sports to play. Chose badinton. Obviously. Majority of the class chose badminton too. I played against Nadirah, not a very good player. But i got to be the coach :D Stupid Mr Han attitude abit problem. LOL. I TELL YOU AR HAN. MY ATTITUDE POWER DE LEHH. LOL. And here we skip the boring part. Till..... SCIENCE LESSON! :D
LOL. Last week during our first lesson with Ms Soh, class was about sexual stuff. =_= Also was it the last lesson. I started to feel hungry so I drew a lil gal saying : I wanna eat chicken egg. LOL. On a worksheet which has human eggs on it. LOL. I just got back the worksheet from cher today and i was like. Did cher read my pic? LOL. What if she did? What is her reaction? LOL OMGWTF. So throu out the lesson i was laughing about chicken egg. Nadirah kena influenced by me so she was like Laughing her ass off. After science, lunch break. Ate CHIKEN EGGS. LOL. Then went to Public Speaking later on.
Oh and one more thing. Michelle bought a new laptop yesterday. A very Mini one. upload pic tmr.
I got electrocuted on Tuesday :D lol. Something to brag about! LOL. Being electrocuted was like touching a very strong vibrating machine. Don't remember what happened between Wednesday & today. crap.
Sean cried at sectionals. Just because he got transfered to 2nd cornet/trumpet. SUCK IT UP DUDE. Who cares about what you are playing? All that matters is that you love music and you love playing the cornet/trumpet.
Lazy write others.
School started yesterday, kinda sad though. Also had the public speaking program thing yesterday. Nothing interesting in class so I'll just skip to e Public Speaking program(PSP :DD)
PSP was compulsory, odds in 1 class, evens in another. Mine, 15, in odd, stayed in 2e1, didn't know where the evens went to. Our tutor was Ann Marie; evens, Mark Gabriell. WE started in a circle introducing ourselves. Then played games, read tongue twisters, lol. Try to say this: Does Your Shirt Shop Stock Short Socks With Spots. Had problems with it. Short tongue damn it. Had a break after that. After the break we were supposed to pair up. I wanted to pair with Nadirah, but ended up with Andrew. T_T We needed to find out our partner's opinion, 1 interesting fact and also something extra. Andrew's opinion was that Singapore lacks music. He performed 6 times during the holidays, and he claims to have jumped off the 2nd floor. Erm... ok? My opinion was school is boring, well, it's obvious. lol Interesting fact, broke my arm for pretending to be superwoman. & Also visited about 5 places in China in a week. lols @ superwoman. And... Syafiq's afraid of clowns. Not a laughing matter guys! I hate clowns. =_= they sorta kinda creep me out too.. especially dolls. O_O OMG. DOLLS ARE C-R-E-E-P-Y! YA'HERD!!!!!!
We had this animal farm debate. =_= was it hell. Ask someone about it. Lazy write :D lols..
Today is more of a first day of school to me. Still no homework but chers were like blabby blab blab. My side of Dnt was mister Lam. You know? this is station ang kuh kueh. =_= His eyes were like. O_O he talks lotta crap.
He showed us some videos, the first one was from a movie, funny one :D lol.. weird inventions. ahahas. Music teacher Agnus Tan has left the school. Mr.De must be very happy. LOL. Our new teacher is Ms.Carol. She kinda like talked to us only. She did nothing. People took out their handphones, and she didn't care. Quite boring. The guys were like throwing a clothe around. Kinda look like Enru's cloth. O_o I wonder if it is, and i wonder if there is any saliva on it. LOL. Mdm Chin was not here today. which is GOOD! Had a free period to slack, boring. Assembly, god hell. Among the peeps who came, there was this guy. OH HELL. GAY MUCH.
After assembly, waited for michelle. Totally 4got about photocopying report slip. We wanted to go to LP to photocopy so we left the school. Michelle wanted french fries so went to bubble tea empire. When walking towards e french fries stall, De Wei suddenly appeared behind us. =_= he wanted french fries too. But he didn't know thw hawker didn't sell french fries on Tues. They still had their french fries craving so they pondered about buying from this bubble tea cum snack shop offa sort. Too many peeps so they gave up their needs! haix. Michelle & I still had to photocopy our reports, so we went back the other way. De Wei who originally stopped at the bus stop, started following us again. =_= When at the hawker center, I spotted Wei Chang, Michelle wanted to surprise him. Didn't know if it worked. Sean & his classmate Janson was there too. We sat & chat for don't know how long. And suddenly Wei Chang has a new name, Wei Choke. lol.
Finally left after a long chat. De Wei went ahead first. Michelle and I photocopied our reports and left for home, home on the range. XD At central, De Wei MAGICALLY appeared behind us again. =_= he bought soda or something. Michelle bought doughnut and we 3 walked to the sheltered area far infront of Cassurina(screw the spelling). Michelle and I walk home from there. & now you see me, well you don't actually see me, using the com :D Well, end of post, sayonara :D
Like in the title, screw everything that has got to do with homework. ABSOLUTELY HATE HOMEWORK. The hw the chers assigned on Ask&Learn sucks. Lazy to do it.
Online for the first time in 2 days. Sunday celebrated fathers day. Monday played badminton with michelle & mee. Yesterday went to crap-ish bottled tree park. end of story, good day.
Nothing much to do when school's starting in 4 days. note, FOUR DAYS! Reborn's so cute, my next skin may even feature him. xD & Obviously Tsuna too. tuna. XD oh & btw, screw the hiatus on D.gray man manga too. T_T how long does this girl have to wait?
On the plus side, I have exactly 100 songs in my phone :D lol. i don't know why it's on the plus side but I feel good! For once today! (lol lame much)
I gotta say, the song If I never See Your Face Again is fab. It's cool how Adam's voice compliments Rihanna's and likewise. Both of them have their own unique voice which no one else has. So when 2 great voices sing together, THEY SOUND EVEN BETTER! Although they sound great together, the song sounded a little weird. If I were a critique, i would give it 4.5 stars. -0.5 for the weird song. Adieu.

WAHAHA!!!! SN23 IS HERE!!!! lols. Happy Father's day peeps. Here is SN23. One of my characters :D that explains my msn display name : SerialNo.23 :D My siggy is suckish. =_= its hard to sign with a mouse kay? Btw, it's a she!! Not a
D.gray Man manga on hiatus. T_T nooooo... when is hiatus going off?? T_T
New Skin :D ya'like? Obito(bottom left of the screen) was just added today. Skin inspiration from the recent darkdegree SOTD. Speaking of Obito, I haven't drawn my manga for a while. Cause of the time. =_= 1hr+ for a page. Took so long, to perfect it(still not perfect). Crap ass. Haven't seen sam on9 for quite awhile. Maybe we go on9 at different timings. =3= Oh hell.
I finally found my report book. Here's my result.
English : B4
Chinese : C6
Maths : A1
Science : A1
Geography : -
History : C6
Literature : C6
D&T : -
Home Ecs : B3
Art : B3
CD : A
Music : -
PW : A
ahahas :DD Michelle came back yesterday. With a very weird looking hair. her fringe is so short. But you can still say my hair is weirder, everyday when I wake up, a mohawk appears on my head. =_= I don't know how it works but every morning without fail, the mohawk appears.
Starting yesterday, big winds are blowing in SG. And now, after a big wind, its raining. Hope nothing like a typhoon happens.
To Mania.Moo:
Ass you larh, you forgot navigational skins are my forte ar??!!
Yesterday, I was forced to go out. lol But turned out well. Took a bus from behind PRPS all the way to Novena Square 2. Didn't shop but mee & me walked around the area to see what was present. Poor ju was all alone at home. We ate ayam penyet lol. (The ones at Changi taste better)
We went to discover the amazing world of Novena Square & Velo city. omg, lame much.
Velo City = Sports city. =_= seriously. All the shops there are sports stuff. Strongly recomended for sportsmen and women. About 9+, we took the bus back home.
FYI: Bus from Pasir Ris to Novena takes about an hour.
Down up 1! Down up 2! Down up 3! Guess what am I doing? Pushups. Lol.. And FYI sam, I'm doing a GIRL pushup, not a MANLY MAN'S PUSHUP! YA'HERD! Sudden urge of pumping & situps =_=
LMAO!! recently just discovered, just yesterday, the manga, "Law of ueki Plus". Lol.. It's about Ueki being the lord of mop!!!!!! LOOOOOOOL! Imma spoiler don't you know? The real story is, the people on earth have lost their memories of people who were close to them before. Including, Rinko, Sano & Hideyoshi, have lost their memories. Ueki on the other hand, is the only person not effect, yet. He is going to the Hangenkai World to retrive people's memories. Two of my banners on this blog is from the manga :DD one with Haiji(character from manga) punching another guy, & another, Ueki, playing with his mop. =_=
Watched the show pushing daisies & I LOVE IT! Totally in love with the show right now. Love those people who come up with all these ideas!
Sam's skin is just too cute!!!!!!! KAWAII NE!? It's full of cows! Wanna make a cow skin too.. =3=
Her title for her blog wad : maniamoo. lol cute. I wanted to try it with my name too, but.. Didn't turn out that well.. Kyokumoo?
Yesterday night, i drew another page of my mange, & + another hour. =_= does it that long to draw just 1 page? Really, I wonder.
Finally open to all.
You must be thinking : "Finally she opens the blog =_="
Hate that irritating rojak man. The way he shouts "rojak" irritates me. Children of the 2nd story is imitating him too. And it gets more irritating. =_= ughh..
Yesterday night, trying to draw my own manga, took me about 1 or 2 hours++ The story board only took 30mins for 4 chapters. T_T