Went To Danish's house on Sunday for open house. Kinda awkward.. De Wei Peiling Nasyitah and me meet at central 7-11 and set foot together. We like come too early.. We were standing outside his house hiding behind a pillar or something.. Lol... Too paiseh go in, so called Danish. He was not even home.. WTH We Waited for him to come back, we sat around the void deck and got bitten by mozzies.. D: And when he came back we like so paiseh in his house.. O_O All like uncle auntie there.. Then we like the only kids, plus Asri and Ryan. We sat there awhile cause if we just ate and leave like go there for just the food. Danish's little sister is in love with Asri :D LOL And either I laugh too much or De Wei's scary smile scared his sister till she cried.. lol Went to White Sands and played a little arcade.. Then we went to the playground afterwards.. Then we went home..
Tuesday, had band, and keyed in our streaming thingy.. Band was ok but as for my ulcer.. D: SUCKED. Wanna know what I put? Okay..
-Art, A maths, bio, history
-POA, A maths, bio, history
Art, POA, bio, history
#5 E4aPOPH
-PURE HIST, geo, bio
#6 E4bPOPL
-PURE LIT, hist, bio
Wednesday, HSM3 :D Meet at 1. I was late.. Bus was a long wait.. Bought the tix, when to atm for Hannah's money, played a little playground, watched the movie. On the way to the playground, we saw Ms Soh :D lol, then on the way to the cinema, we walked pass the shop again and we saw.. LOL. MR ONG!! XD The movie was ok, doesn't feel quite like a HSM to me, but better :D LOL AT ROCKET MAN! Played arcade.. EFFING MONEH SUCKA!!
And watch all the pocky ads in his channel, DoeJohnson, LOL DAMN LAME!!
Another lame meme :D which I ripped :D lol.
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...
My results:
Opening Credits: Vanilla Salt By Yui Horie
Waking Up: Hasta la Vista By Jordan Francis
First Day At School: No Rain, No Rainbow By Home Made Kazoku (Lol?)
Falling In Love: Closer By Ne-yo
Fight Song: 僕に重なって来る今 By UVERworld (LMAO This is so not a fight song!)
Breaking Up: Play My Music By Jonas Brothers (Breaking up? More like making up)
Prom: Thunder By Boys Like Girls
Life: Shaka Beach ~Laka Laka La~ By UVERworld (ROFL! That Is not my life!)
Mental Breakdown: Greenlight By John Legend (Lol.. No breakdown here)
Flashback: Too Cool By Meaghan Jette Martin (W-what?? O_O)
Getting back together: Burnin' Up By Jonas Brothers (Ohoho.. No way)
Wedding: 7 things By Miley Cyrus (More of a I'm angry and I hate you song? O_O)
Birth of Child: Disturbia By Rihanna (LOL.. This suites me fine :D)
Funeral Song: Man Who Can't Be Moved By The script (This I can do)
Final Battle: Word Of Voice By Flow (What I'm talking about :D)
End Credits: Shake It By Metro Station (LOL LOL LOL LMAO LMAO ROFL ROFL ROFLMAO!!!)
This is a very screwed up movie if you ask me! XD
Tagged by Peipei.. =_= I lazy do this type of quiz lehh.. I still haven't do genn's.. Very sorry.. D:
Rule #1- People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and may replace any questions that they dislike with their own.
Rule #2-tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse..
1.Do u have secrets?
How doesn't?
2.What is the thing that you desire now?
3.If the person u secretly like is attached, what would you do?
4.Is there anything that made you extremely happy?
My tablet :D
5.What makes you angry?
People that think I don't know anything at all..
6.How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
Stuck at home.. Drawing? O_O
7.Who is currently the most important people to you?
Family & Friends, & Julia :D
8.What is the most important thing in life?
technology :D No technology will die D:
9.Which is more important? Family or Career?
Family larh.. =_= Ask obvious questions only
10.What is your favourite colour?
Black white? Blue!
11.Would you give all in a relationship?
I think so..
12.If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneosly, who would you pick?
The one I like better larh.. =_=
13.Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done?
Most probably, yes.
14.What do you wanna tell someone you like?
Hello? lol
This somehow reminds me of the quiz sam asked me to do back then.. O_O
Whatever.. Do it at your own risk.. :P
Came late to school.. First time and last time this year.. Unless I late for tomorrow larh.. Michelle and Peiling ti o late because of me.. Paiseh.. Wore class tee to school then scared that they don't allow me in.. So asked Peiling pei me.. lol.. In the end jiu zhong dao late lorh.. Went to Pulau Semakau today.. A whole lot of crap, literally; hello? Land field = waste = crap. Bus ride about 20 mins.. And boat ride, 40 mins.. Plus return trip, another hour, so we wasted 2 hours just for travel.. Dizzy on the boat.. D: After not travelling around for so long.. I am now prone to headaches on transport.. D: Kinda reminds me of Natsu.. I hope they make an anime out of Fairy tail.. Arrived on the island, had to ride on a bus again.. Around the island.. I sat infront of Syafiq.. What the hell.. He farted.. Very smelly seh.. Lucky I sat infront of him, not behind him.. Fariq sat behind him.. LOL After touring the island, we went to a lounge???? I don't know larh.. The tour guide person damn irritating.. D: He act cool and extra only.. On the return trip, he followed us back. Chi bao mei shi zhuo ar? Have nothing to do don't come drag us into it.. Shut the mic up.. I want to sleep larh.. =_= We ended up reaching Loyang at 2.30 cause of all the travelling.. And also, the time wasted in the morning.. Do we have to wait till 9+ 10+ to depart? =_=
Tomorrow last day of 2E1. Will miss the class.. 3E1.. T_T At the most will be in 3E2. NEVER TAKING PURE SCI!! May consider taking art.. =_=
Ohoho.. We finally got our class-tees today.. The subject combination has changed and it sucks.. =_= Had some IT thing in the morning and got our report books after recess.. Had the subject combi talk and we got our tees :D
Currently downloading RO2 :D I mean private server.. Someone come join me??
Oh and if you're a real dummy, to register your ingame acount, type (youraccname)_M or (youraccname)_F. eg; blahblah_M for male characters, blahblah_F for female characters.. :D Join me on private server :D
Okay.. It's 12.30AM now.. I can't sleep.. No nagging as pa & mee went majonging. Thursday was boring.. Had some entrepreneur come and give a speech.. Wanna sleep for goodness sake.. The after the talk, we went to comp lab 3 to listen to some freaking boring photoshop video.. Why waste the time on showing us this video when most of us can't even aford it ourselves. Like me... =_= Saving up for CS4. After the boring video, we went to comp lab 4, which was just beside.. Can't they just use the same lab? == Are they like brainless or something.. In comp lab 4, they talked about what photo taking.. Didn't listen, talked to Peling through out.. Recess, when back to performance theater, watched Jump In.. Then forgot who say, what's this? Step Up 2 ar? lol.. Wth.. I think Peiling or some guy behind.. In the process of watching.. Cliff abit annoying.. fuck fuck fuck all the way.. =_= But who cares.. watch before liao.. Kena disturbed also no big deal.. Movie finished in time.. Started raining so called Katin to bring some umbrella.. While waiting we go sayang the school cat. lol.. It bit me.. =_= And scratched me.. A warning to lysians.. Don't touch the cat's body or tail.. It only likes it when you touch the head..
Ahaha.. So here's the thing.. Nadirah took 1st place in class position and she is like all emo-ing and you know.. And there's Wenny.. She got all emo because Nadirah took her place.. Lol.. And compared to Peiling and I, who scored 15 and 13 respectively, we were crazy.. lol Oh and btw,
I woke up early 9 oclock today. When back to sleep later.. Tired.. Then woke up again at 1.30.. Just now in the morning I was carrying my laptop and kinda banged into bed.. Then now when I'm on9, the internet's kinda screwed. Damn it.. I think I cause it.. Restarted the com and its ok now.. I hope..
This video is cool! Would like to try something like this someday.. But I'm too lazy.. lol..
Ohohoho.. Smosh :D
Go watch previous 3 episodes on the channel :D
Ahaha.. Compare with the original version!
(The embed somehow isn't working so I'll just put the link..)

I know I'm supposed to be on hiatus, but I have nothing to do!
But study.. And I don't wanna do that..
Supposed to do my art supporting studies.
Stopped half-way and slacked.. D:
Livejournal is a blogger killer.. D:
Codings are damn hard to rewrite..
Screw my little knowledge of LJ
Uhh.. My butt hurts.. D: